JAVA basic data type initialization
Java does its best to ensure that all variables are properly initialized before use. If defined as a "local" variable relative to a method, this guarantee is manifested by a compile-time error. So if you use the following code: Voidf() {inTI; i++; } You will receive an error message telling you that i may not have been initialized. Of course, the compiler can also give i a default value, but it looks more like a programmer's mistake, in which case the default value will "help up". If you force the programmer to provide an initial value, you can often help him/her to correct the "bugs" in the program. However, if the base type (primary type) is set to a data member of a class, the situation becomes slightly different. Since any method can initialize or use that data, it may not be a practical practice to force the programmer to initialize it to an appropriate value before the data is officially used. However, it is also very unsafe to give it a garbage value. Therefore, all basic type data members of a class are guaranteed to get an initial value. The input results are as follows: Data type Initalvaluebooleanfalsecharbyte0short0int0long0float0.0double0.0 Among them, the Char value is null (NULL), no data is printed. Led Coaster, Led Light Up Music Coaster, Flashing Led Coaster AST Industry Co.,LTD ,
You can see these values ​​in the following small program:
// Shows default iniTIal valuesclass Measurement
System.out.println("Data type Inital value"+"boolean "+ t +""+"char "+ c +""+"byte "+ b +""+"short "+ s +""+" Int "+ i +""+"long "+ l +""+"float "+ f +""+"double "+ d);
Publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)
Measurement d = newMeasurement(); d.print();/* In this case you can also say: new Measurement().print(); */} }///:~
As you will see later, when you define an object handle inside a class, if you don't initialize it to a new object, that handle will get a null value.